
As one of my resolutions for this year I set out to read more non-fiction, and I did – even though many of the books in the original pile didn’t get read for some reason. Amongst the books I did read, the following stand out (in the order my eyes happened to fall on them on the bookshelf):

Recovery (Brand): Russell lends his own mix of philosophy and humour to the AA brand of addiction overcoming.

Homo Deus (Harari): a mind-boggling exposé of the past, present and future of the human race.

Prisoners of geography (Marshall): How landscapes determine the political efforts of nations. An eye opener.

Through a window (Goodall): chimps, and what they teach us about humanity.

Hjärnstark (Hansen): On the paramount importance of ensuring a healthy body to accommodate a healthy brain.

Bird by bird (Lamott): lessons in writing and life, drawn from a life of writing.

Thinking, fast and slow (Kahneman): possibly the best book this year; how rational are we, really? Mind: boggled.

Underland (Macfarlane): this man has written several books I wish I had written. This is probably his best.

Touching cloudbase (Currer): not necessarily the best book I’ve read, but essential if you want to learn paragliding.


So there. Something in there for everyone, I hope. For every one of these I have probably acquired two more, so I will keep this challenge for next year, too. Join me, maybe? #onenonfictionbookpermonth

3 thoughts on “Bookends

  1. Meltem Ciftci says:

    Hi there,
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    I marked you as “liked”. But I do not know if you’ll see that. My profile there is Sophie. ))
    I had time to look at your blog briefly.
    It looks like that we have things in common.
    I like the way you think.
    Your selection of books here are very familiar to me too.
    A few of them like Eckart Tolle and B. Lewis ,I have read .

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    I like art, especially photography, music.
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    So it’s just a hi to you from Turkey.

  2. Karin says:

    Oh, hierboven zie ik dat iemand gewoon maar openlijk vermeld heeft dat ze je van okcupid kent.
    Mij spreekt je denkwijze ook aan.
    Je geeft iets aan over samen een boek lezen. Kunnen we het er daarna over hebben, voorlopig door te schrijven, even afwachten hoe lang deze coronacrisis loopt.

    Een filosofisch boek.
    Of een ander boek van Capote, in cold blood was een (journalistiek) meesterwerk.

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