February 24

Most good intentions have fallen by the wayside by February, they say. I’m afraid they are right. I haven’t been able to keep up my ambition to spend 30 minutes per day on each of my languages. At all. Same for piano.

I have kept up the training/walking tho, missing only three days of workouts to a tummy bug.

Zero sugar has been less successful, if not a complete disaster: 24/29 days.

I did two trips, one to Antwerp and one to Bruges, to make good use of my museum pass, and I managed three books:

The Wheel is Spinning but the Hamster is Dead (Sharp) – Christmas gift. A lot of funny expressions from various languages. Mildly entertaining, but frustrating, as the original language version was only given sporadically. 3/5

Siena (Stevenson) – another gift. A history of the city. Not bad, but not great either. Possibly better if you know more Italian history already. 3/5

The Wood Age (Ennos) – an overview of the importance of wood to humanity through the ages. Interesting and informative, with unexpected gems. 4.5/5

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